March 29, 2025

Five for Friday 705

Welcome to the weekend,

Here are five things I thought worth sharing this week.

An afternoon in 1993 with Maya Angelou.

The story of an indomitable Polish princess, who lived in a particularly turbulent time as Poland changed hands from Saxon kings to Polish reign to the Holy Roman Empire to the Duchy of Warsaw back to the Holy Roman Empire to being under Russian rule.

Running Diaries … and some helpful glute activation exercises for runners. They’ve made a huge difference in my exercise routine!

How dumb do the AI enthusiasts think we are?!

All this week I’ve been admiring the Book of Hours of Queen Isabella la Católica. It dates to the 1480s and is a brilliant example of the beautiful artistry that went into these prayer books in the Middle Ages.

Currently reading: The Vikings by Else Roesdahl

Have a great weekend.

Image: The Red Rose. Blackwell, Elizabeth. 1739.