March 26, 2025

At Home Workout Round-Up

Like many of us, the reality of needing to stay home for weeks on end had me looking for at-home workout solutions.

My normal routine consists of lifting weights, body-weight movements, and running four or five days a week. I’ve done Crossfit the past six years, but I don’t have that equipment at home. I’m determined not to buy equipment I don’t necessarily need long-term, and have decided to work with what is already here. Since I only have a lonely light dumbbell here, I know my workout planning will force me to be creative and resourceful.

Over the past week I’ve used the following workouts and wanted to pass these resources on to you:

  • The coaches at Performance Plus have created a free 20 day program called The Quarantine they are making available here. I like their program especially because it goes beyond the usual squats, push-ups, and sit-ups.
  • Outside magazine compiled a list of their twelve best at-home workouts.
  • On Instagram, fitness trainer John Peel (handle @johnpeelfitness) is posting a new workout on his account for daily thirty days.
  • Pilates instructor Cassie Ho is currently releasing a fourteen day quarantine program on her Blogilates YouTube channel.
  • Fitness Blender on YouTube also has a library of over 500 bodyweight and lightweight workout videos.

I have always found working out to be a great way to maintain a routine, develop fitness, and make sure I stay active. I enjoy the challenge and daily time to focus on getting stronger. It doesn’t have to be complicated, though. As I mentioned here, simply making time to move daily, such as stretching before bed and after waking up, is so important to our mental and physical health. Just make sure to move and take care of yourself during this time. Have a great workout!

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