March 9, 2025

Five for Friday 703

Welcome to Friday,

Here are five things I thought worth sharing this week.

An interesting thought experiment asking whether we should treat the flurry of data on today’s social media platforms like yesteryear’s cabinets of curiosities, a cascade of strange images collected from far-flung places.

How the French modernists were both inspired and repulsed by the mass media of their day.

Honoring the ‘Wild Heart‘ of David Lynch.

This week I learned about the 12th-century monk, Hugh of Saint Victor, who invented the bookish life.

The personal library of Gary Indiana was lost in the Altadena fire in Los Angeles – after having been delivered the previous day.

Currently reading: The Discarded Image by C.S. Lewis

Have a creative weekend.

Image: Night Fireworks no. 77. Hirayama, Jinta. 1883.