March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 635

Welcome to the weekend,

Here are five things I thought worth sharing this week.

A reminder from the backcountry: “Just because you don’t recognize trouble doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

Is Berlin’s Pergamon Museum really not going to re-open until 2043?!

I found this an interesting perspective on why some forms of philosophy might be a waste of time.

“I write today in praise of a third genre that few self-respecting intellectuals admit to reading regularly, though many do: the reference book.” I certainly have fond memories of pulling down a random volume of our Encyclopedia set and just skimming the entries for fun, reading in full whatever entry happened to catch my interest. It was the “Internet surfing” of its time, I suppose.

Finally, On Staying Sane in an Insane World

Currently reading: The October Country: Stories by Ray Bradbury

Have a great weekend.

Image: Vitis: Concord by Passmore, Deborah Griscom. 1897.