March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 531

Welcome to the weekend,

I love traveling and visiting new places. I also love coming home from a trip and relaxing, which is what this weekend is all about. Here is the best from around the Internet.

A list of excellent questions.

“10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman: What I Learned”

Speaking of excellent questions, the transcript from Tyler Cowen’s Conversation with Paul Graham is fabulous. From the artistic culture of Florence to American zoning to the skill of being able to spot talent, interesting throughout.

A hilarious story about a Great American Sandwich. No, really.

It is an interesting and important observation to note that plenty of people would love, use, and pay a reasonable rate for quiet office space outside of the home they can use to get work done. The problem with office jobs is not the walls themselves, but the requirement to sit in one place for eight hours, the (usually) terrible boss, and the inconvenience of commuting every single day regardless of whether a need to do so exists. With a blend of personal office space, remote work, and flexible hours, workers can use their time and minds to work more effectively in more ways. “An office is not the office”.

Currently reading: Reader, Come Home by Maryanne Wolf

Image: Woman Reading in a Forest. Benczúr, Gyula. Hungarian, 1875.