March 29, 2025

Five for Friday 428

Welcome to Friday,

The summer heat wave is in full swing here in Western Germany. If you can at all avoid it, you don’t want to be outdoors between one and six in the afternoon, which has resulted in our normally pedestrian-heavy street being understandably deserted. It’s made for an oddly quiet week. Though, sparkling water and gelato sales are through the roof, if I had to guess.

Here is the best from around the Internet:

On the Paywalling of Everything – Even You”. Perhaps this walling of gardens can result in spending more of our down time with more meaningful reading and interactions, instead of so much filler “content” taking up so much of it.

The unexpected mash-up I’m enjoying: LEGO vignettes and the U.S. National Parks.

This narrative description of the journey workers would embark upon transporting supplies to build Egypt’s Great Pyramid. The supply chain and route of the escort teams have were revealed via papyrus fragments recovered near the structure.

A Princeton Math Prize Winner credits his slow, repetitive “deep work” routine with his breakthroughs.

Tanner Greer argues we should add to the western canon, rather than eliminating most of it. This is the obvious answer, of course – add titles from women, from more recent authors, and areas beyond Europe. The canon is meant to be a foundation for understanding wisdom; not necessarily a monument to past wisdom. It’s not about replacing, but expanding our perspective and breadth of knowledge. Greer’s solution is rather logical – so why isn’t it the route most are taking forward?

Currently reading: Letters to a Young Poet by Ranier Maria Rilke

Have a lovely weekend.

Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash