March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 417

Welcome to the weekend,

After the past few busy weeks, I am excited to do nothing more than curl up on the couch with some pastries and tea and read all weekend. Here’s the best from around the Internet this week:

A reflection on how strangely timely reading Gibbon’s Decline in the 1990’s was – and I’m convinced it retains the same freshness Kaplan describes here.

Have you also been wondering, “What happened to Humans of New York“?

That curious American blend of money, prestige, public service, and “aristocracy,” – and what it was meant to be; “The Rise and Fall of the WASP“.

What is the cost of “progress”, and formalization, in human terms?

On digitizing everything, and what is lost when we flatten history into a single format.

Currently reading: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother’s Day.