February 22, 2025

Five for Friday 239

Welcome to the weekend,

What are you reading this Banned Book Week? I’m revisiting Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite novels, and some of John Steinbeck’s novels. In a happy coincidence, this is also a sabbatical week, which means I am spending my days shooting film photos and working through my list of classic films to watch. Taking this regularly scheduled rest and recovery has made all the difference in being able to work hard consistently. Seriously, schedule some time for yourself free of obligation.

Here is what I’ll be reading this weekend:

The Origins of Sprawl

Stoic wisdom for dealing with uncertainty.

Can the spice blend be redeemed?

Working out on Sunny Days.

The Dark Ages or the Age of Homer.

Currently reading: Public Opinion by Walter Lippman

Have a lovely weekend.