March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 126

This week, oddly enough, has been the first it has felt like summertime here. Yes, it has been sweltering, but something about the squealing and shrieking of children playing at the pool got me thinking about the excitement to be found in simply being on summer break. A change of pace is often all we need to inject a bit of excitement into our days. While you may not find yourself on summer break, here are some thrills for your reading pleasure:

New Yorkers being menaced by banana peels.

This mother who ran a 3:11 marathon while pushing her children in a stroller. Additionally, Eliud Kipchoge, the current marathon record holder (2:01.39) recently announced he will attempt to break the two hour barrier in October. Here is the New York Times’ recent profile on him.

This discussion on how Netflix has changed the way we watch television.

Social media is often thrilling for all the wrong reasons. Today, a case for the pause button.

This week marked fifty years since the moon landing. Why do moon landing conspiracies endure? Couple with the thrills of traveling and colonizing the moon.

Currently Reading: Captain Marvel: The Rise of Alpha Flight by Michele Fazekis

Have a wonderful weekend!