March 28, 2025

Five for Friday 122


It’s a topic that’s been on my mind. Relearning. Mourning what is lost, and facing the future. Reviewing what we once knew, and moving forward. With my husband’s erratic work schedule the past few weeks, we’ve been hunkered down in the mode of simply getting done as much as we can. As we enter a new, more hospitable schedule, we are shifting toward regaining and progressing in the realms of productivity and strength training, hopeful and expectant to meet challenges head on.

This week’s links echo that sentiment:

For Los Angelinos, regrowth takes on a very literal, physical meaning in the aftermath of last year’s Woolsey Fire. The fire claimed lives, vineyards, homes and historic sets on the Paramount lot. Now, just over six months later several top restaurants are having to close their doors.

On television’s resurgence in pop culture. Television programming was considered secondary to movies, or worse, for decades. Now, we are experiencing an unprecedented quality and assortment of offerings.

This video looking at the political, religious, and cultural effects of the 1947 partition of India and Pakistan.

The evolution of NBA draft fashion.

Finally, this deep dive into knowing when to push or hold back in workout training, paired with this podcast on overtraining syndrome. Growth requires rest, something we can all benefit from.

Currently Reading: Aristotle’s The Art of Rhetoric

Wishing you rest and resolve this weekend.