March 31, 2025

Five for Friday 106

Happy International Women’s Day to you!

This weekend I am revamping my About Me profile. Have you ever done one of these? They always seem so awkward while you’re putting words and thoughts together, but once it’s crafted, the work is worth it. So, this is your reminder that you can do difficult things, friend!

Here are five women I’m reading about this weekend:

This essay on the disappearance of aging women.

I’m looking back at influential female photographers.

I’ve read and heard the interviews, but I plan to finally, finally check out Samin Nosrat’s Salt Fat Acid Heat on Netflix.

There’s always room for a smart woman’s inspiring tale of how she ventured out to created her own business.

Finally, I must preface this link by telling you I am not a podcast person. I can’t seem to figure out a regular time to listen to them. However, this is one that I discovered in January and make sure to squeeze into my week! Always interesting, and well-researched, each episode is also witty. Their two part History of Ballet was what hooked me, if you need a place to start. Also, any recommendations on podcasts or when to listen to them?

Currently Reading: Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now

Wishing you a sunny weekend!