March 31, 2025

Five for Friday 133

Happy Friday!

After an epic road-trip and family visit last week, I’m finding it difficult to settle back into a routine. So many historic places and names to research; ideas for the next trip bouncing through my head, and all manner of photos to organize! I also have lots of reading to catch up on, which brings me to one of my favorite routines, weekend links.

This weekend’s links deal with of-the-moment topics; LA real estate, mom jeans, and media.

The Legacy of the most expensive plot of land in Los Angeles.

A united theory of Mom Jeans.

A look back to the 1800’s, at America’s first Opioid Epidemic.

A sober look at the heyday of Blockbuster Video, which only has one store still in business. Pair with this video store’s unique path to surviving in the age of streaming.

Finally, could “Close Friends” save social media?

Currently Reading: Aftermath Empire’s End by Chuck Wendig

Have a wonderful weekend!