February 22, 2025

Five for Friday 534

Happy Friday,

Here are five things I thought worth sharing this week:

Quick – can you name an English writer who served as a civil servant in Burma between the two wars, and wrote several books about his experiences, but is not George Orwell? The answer is Maurice Collins, and this piece discusses why he is lesser known today than his countryman.

“Why are Music Fans Throwing things at Pop Stars?”

For the past few years, I have enjoyed structuring my reading around the school year, observing sixteen-week stretches, because it breaks time into a manageable chunks, while still allowing for deep reading and contemplation. I think there is an argument to be made for around an autumn to summer schedule. Having a firm start and end date on personal goals can help make them more concrete – and more likely to be executed. Vox makes an argument for dividing life into school-year semesters, even when you’re not in school.

As a Texan, I can attest; Friday night high school football is something of a religious ritual – and worth experiencing if you find yourself in the Lone Star State during the season. Joe Pompliano examines how this tradition became a billion dollar business.

Surprisingly and tangentially related – Found in Alaska: a dinosaur footprint the size of a football field.

Currently reading: Miami by Joan Didion

Have a creative weekend.

Photo by Thomas Despeyroux on Unsplash