March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 532

Welcome to the weekend,

We are smack in the “dog days” of summer here; every morning is soggy with rain, the afternoons are hot and humid, and the clouds are liable to break and downpour virtually any minute. It’s not a problem, though, because I am enjoying these slow, dramatic days before life and work kick back into gear for the autumn. Here’s the best of what I’ve been reading this week.

While I am not actually a fan of hip-hop (I know, I know), I am a fan of Questlove and will read anything he writes. Here he traces the legacy of the genre – and the constant tradeoffs between art and business – for TIME.

This is a wonderful piece from Henry Oliver on talent and late bloomers.

The delightful dirty secret of ‘secret family recipes’.

Alan Jacobs on universities teaching students how to use AI instead of how to read well and write clearly.

Could the future of recycling be … robots?

Image: Woman Reading in a Forest. Benczúr, Gyula. Hungarian, 1875.