March 29, 2025

Five for Friday 427

Welcome to Friday,

It’s been a short week around these parts, after another weekend excursion in the countryside. This time I picked up a few German editions of philosophy classics, along with some fountain pens and a short history of Germany. I’m looking forward to a nice weekend relaxing with all these books.

Here is the best from around the Internet this week:

Being sane in insane places. A good reminder that scientific inquiries and conclusions are always evolving.

On a related note, don’t you just love when something “everyone knows” is disproven? The latest fallen truism: Woodpeckers’ skulls do not have a “cushion” to absorb the forceful blows to the head. Ed Young walks us through the quite sensible revelation.

I enjoyed reading this hard truth about productivity “hacks” and the necessity of boredom. Also a good reminder for those of us who feel they’re banging their heads against the proverbial tree.

I hope you’re prepared for a deep dive into German philosophy, beginning early in 2023. In the meantime, the first English translation of Wittgenstein’s private notebooks has just been published.

It would appear popular music is declining even more alarmingly than we’d thought, from the excellent Ted

Currently reading: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

Have a creative weekend.