March 29, 2025

Five for Friday 414

This week has been a lovely blur of birthdays, flowers (bouquets, planting, and blooming), and pastry deliciousness.

Here is the best from around the Internet this week:

Television is not literature, nor should it be.

As we’ve all suspected, most wellness “advice” is nonsense.

An insightful piece on how social media demonstrates Rene Girard’s Mimetic theory. More specifically, how Girard’s theory does accommodate for the “In-Group Contrarian”, a member of the in-group who attempts to stop the piling on by the rest of the group. Isn’t it fascinating to see how human behavior follows predictable paths, even in the cesspool that is Twitter?

This beautiful essay about a forthcoming collection of biographies on late bloomers. It’s never too late to go after that dream!

I enjoyed this look into the artist, Lawrence Weiner’s routine, or as he says, the boring primitive existence he leads.

Currently reading: The Essays of E.B. White

Have a lovely and Happy Easter Weekend.