March 28, 2025

Five for Friday 350

Welcome to the holiday weekend,

As the world pauses for the holiday break, I’m hunkering down to spend more time reading deeply. Here is what I’ve been reading this week:

The explosion of widespread media fundamentally changed the nature of education, conversation, facts, and democracy. In fact, it made democracy possible. How can we be sure we are truly thinking, and not just parroting what we’ve heard, though? Simon Sarris ponders the question, “Are we thinking less?”

While I don’t have much inclination for podcasts these days, I do browse the transcripts of the Tim Ferriss’ Show, solely because Ferriss asks deep and insightful questions which seek out unusual answers and ideas. On this episode, Ferriss interviews an elite performance coach on all things sabbatical.

Morgan Housel has some questions. The two standouts for me were, “What are we ignoring today that will seem shockingly obvious in a year?”, and, “Which of my current views would I disagree with if I were born in a different country or generation?”.

Who better than the mother and wife of kings to offer life lessons? This brief sketch of Eleanor of Aquitaine introduces one of the most fascinating rulers of the Western world. I was first introduced to Eleanor in the excellent book, She-Wolves by Helen Castor, which profiles the women who ruled England before Elizabeth I and which I highly recommend.

Finally, a look at the myth of Santa Claus in America. What does our annual celebration of Kris Kringle say about our society, our values, and how we communicate them?

Currently reading: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

On this Christmas Eve, I wish you health and happiness. Have a Merry Christmas! Essays will resume 12 January.