March 28, 2025

On a “Slow” Thanksgiving

I’m doing something a bit different this week. It being a holiday here in the States, I’m taking an extra day to catch up on reading, research, and enjoying a “slow” day. We’ll be back to regular programming on Friday.

In the mean time, here’s what I’ve been reading on the recent “slow” movements:

Rebecca Solnit on the virtue of meandering non-fiction.

Mary Lindemann’s Presidential Address on “Slow History.”

Finally, Cal Newport on George Lucas’ writing tower, from which he wrote a certain niche, seldom known film series.

Have a lovely week, and happy Thanksgiving, fellow Americans!

Illustration: “Touchdown, Yale vs. Princeton, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1890, Yale 32, Princeton 0 (1890)” by Frederic Remington.