March 28, 2025

Five for Friday 331

Happy Friday,

It has been a week of getting things done; house repairs and turning in new work and otherwise catching up on things to get finished. All that work means I’ll be settling in and taking an extra moment to relax this weekend.

The best links from this week:

In our relatable and seasonably appropriate section, The Science of Sweat.

I read this piece a couple weeks ago, and haven’t stopped thinking about it – American Shoppers are A Nightmare. Amanda Mull explores the origins of retail shopping as we know it, and the class structure which emerged as a result. So much in this piece illustrates Thorstein Veblen’s ideas about leisure goods and the signaling of social class through purchases.

This vibrant feature on Native Americans and Cowboys, from the lovely Art and Aesthetics.

The surprising origin of the term “snob.” So, being a snob was originally a point of pride? Tracking word usage over centuries is fascinating.

What’s even more rare than an Olympic medal? Gracing the cover of the Wheaties box.

Currently reading: The Library Book by Susan Orlean

Have a great weekend.

Photo: “Sunset At Grace, Orange And Violet Sky,” FĂ©lix Vallotton. French. 1918.