February 22, 2025

Five for Friday 325

Happy Friday,

It’s a holiday weekend here in the US, and I am feeling very festive after a night celebrating with friends. This weekend will entail lots of baking (and eating) and reflecting on concepts like “freedom” and “independence.”

Here is what I’d like to share with you this week:

The June issue of Texas Monthly dove into Phil Collins’ – yes, that Phil Collins – collection of Alamo artifacts and the topsy turvy world of identifying historical artifacts. It was a wild ride, and left me wondering how many of the artifacts in museums could possibly live up to the stories they animate.

A short essay building on the principle of Parkinson’s Law – work expands to fill the time allotted to it – and the growth of what the author calls BS jobs. These are jobs people have, but which don’t accomplish much for the company’s bottom line, the person working the job, or society at large. Some examples include mid-level corporate lawyers, analysts, telemarketers, consultants, and other dubiously titled positions.

The fascinating history of the word decide. I wish I’d seen this before I wrote my mini-essay on how Saying No creates opportunities.

On “cognitive flexibility;” what it is and how it can help you build resilience, think more creatively, and become less susceptible to confirmation bias.

Currently Reading: The White Album by Joan Didion

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend.

Photo: Douarnenez in Sunshine, 1897. Maxime Maufra (French, 1861-1918).