March 27, 2025

Five for Friday 304

Welcome to Friday,

It’s been another busy week in our neck of the woods. I am so looking forward to a restful weekend! Here is the best of what I’ve seen this week:

A light-hearted ad on Travelling Under the Influence from New Zealand, poking a bit of fun at Instagrammers flocking to the same vistas and flooding the platform with the same photos. It’s funny because it’s true!

I’m looking into the fascinating world of Effective Altruism, which objectively measures the impact of outreach efforts.

The Psychology of Fact-Checking. Scientific American hits on the real problem behind “alternative facts;” different personal perspectives and experiences influence how we interpret raw numbers. I think their suggestions about having a team composed of diverse perspectives fact-checking is a step in the right direction.

This list of Ten Great Questions to ask about yourself or your business. My favorites are, “Are you reacting or responding?” and, “Are you learning fast or are you learning well?”.

Finally, I’m thinking about the messages cities and gathering places send, after re-reading Paul Graham’s classic essay, Cities and Ambition. He talks about how cities subtly send messages, through the conversations you overhear and through the social currency. Every city whispers what they value most; in New York City it’s about being richer, while in Washington, D.C., it’s who you know.

Currently reading: Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond

Wishing you a lovely weekend.