March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 249

Happy Friday,

I’m quite excited about this week’s roundup, so let’s get right to the links!

Here’s what I’ll be reading (and re-reading) this weekend:

Birds and Frogs in Physics. Are you a bird thinker, or a frog thinker?

A pair of essays on minimalism which inspired this week’s essay. The first, by Thomas J. Bevan, is a contemplation about our desire for minimalism – an escape from the clutter and endless notifications of modern life. But does getting rid of stuff actually satisfy that desire? The second is an examination of minimal aesthetics building toward a hopeful future of dreaming big, celebrating life, and a collaboration of styles.

Time‘s Kid of the Year, a fifteen year old scientist and inventor.

On the Black Labor organizers who fought for civil rights after Reconstruction and through the twentieth century.”

Are you familiar with Dunbar’s Number, aka, the Monkeysphere? This is the number of people and meaningful relationships or connections we can actually keep up with. It’s a helpful metric for remembering that while we are all people, we are all “just people” to most of the world.

Currently reading: Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

Enjoy your weekend.