March 28, 2025

Five for Friday 222

Welcome to Friday,

It’s been a heavy week, hasn’t it? Sitting with discomfort is good; it’s how we grow. It reveals to us the potential impact of our individual action. Usually, we discuss literature, philosophy, and ways of learning in this space. These beautiful subjects and ideas are all meaningless unless they accomplish their one purpose- equip you and me to do the right thing at the right time.

Links I’ll be exploring this weekend:

One of the most moving scenes from modern cinema.

Ulysses Grant and Mark Twain reveal their thoughts on the Civil War.

The always timely and inspiring Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

Thomas Chatterton Williams on Zadie Smith’s recent collection of essays.

My favorite plant lady, designer Justina Blakeney, on how plants are keeping her sane during lockdown.

Currently Reading: The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America by Douglas Brinkley

Enjoy your weekend.