March 29, 2025
abstract pink image

Five for Friday 213

Welcome to April,

Although weekends have nearly lost their meaning, I am finding beauty in the world around me over the next couple days, via the internet of course. Here is what I’ll be reading and scrolling:

A lovely essay on which titles – some remembered, others forgotten – were popular in 1920.

“Rebuilding” seven lost wonders of the ancient world with gifs, with beautiful results! More information on the seven wonders here.

A profile on chef David Chang, and the pop culture swell of unami.

An east coast reprieve where untamed horses roam free.

Lastly, The National Gallery of Art is offering two online exhibits, one of which displays watercolor renderings of fashionable garments from 1700 to 1845. It’ll rock your colonial socks.

Currently Reading: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.