March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 208

Welcome to the weekend,

This year is a leap year, which means we get to see February 29th this weekend. Did you know that Sweden once celebrated February 30th in 1712 when converting over to the Gregorian calendar? What a funny fact of history.

Speaking of conversions, as you may have noticed, over the past week I quietly redesigned this space. I am much happier with the cleaner appearance, and especially happy to bring you easier navigation between blog posts, tags, and categories! It’s amazing what a difference a few options and suggestions can make in an online experience.

As always, here are five links I’ll explore this weekend:

A profile on the delightful Fran Drescher.

Eater has introduced Eater Carolinas, which I’ll be exploring for recommendations on diners and coffee houses for roadtrips.

This article examining Alzheimer’s as a sleep disorder.

The Atlantic explores the dogged resilience of Restoration Hardware.

Lastly, something you’ve never heard of: a Manhattan opera house riot.

Currently Reading: The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain (I enjoyed Tom Sawyer so much I’m revisiting another Twain classic)

Have a beautiful weekend!