March 28, 2025

Five for Friday 137

Happy Friday!

I’ve been thinking a lot about habits, and making sure that my current ones are serving and not hindering my goals. This has resulted in waking up earlier to get more done, which feels great, but also has shown just how necessary quiet time is. I’m following my own advice about making an effort to spend time intentionally resting.

I hope this weekend finds you restful and steady.

Some links I’ll be resting with this weekend:

On the entrance of “Hangry” into the lexicon.

Why Chimpanzees Can’t Learn Language.

Cal Newport on how less time on your phone can mean more leisure time.

This piece on spending four years in Startups.

Drinks more hydrating than water?

I couldn’t be more excited about autumn, and hope you are enjoying the season, too. Have a great weekend!

Currently reading: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories of Washington Irving