The transition from the dead of winter to the lushness of spring is a wonder to behold each year. Oftentimes, we move along preoccupied with the demands of the clock and calendar, taking time’s ever onward march for granted. But when we pause to consider Nature’s conquest each spring, we may glimpse a bit of the wonder which always surrounds us.

Photo by Dulcineia Dias on Unsplash
Vivaldi’s “Spring” (Four Seasons) embodies the optimistic virility of the season. The sun shines warmly, birds chirp their bright songs in the trees, the grass is green and lush, the smell of cherry blossoms lightly on the wind. It is these moments in which spring not only embodies herself, but manifests within us, drawing us to look outward, always outside of ourselves, and marvel at the beauty that she has brought. She overwhelms our senses, reminding us that we dignified humans remain part of the natural world.
Then come the rains! The deluge necessary to continue bringing forth life. Restorative, though relentlessly beating at times, providing needed refreshment to the earth. Recover. Rebirth. A reminder that we are ever dependent on the elements.
As Emerson observed, the earth is indeed laughing in flowers; they burst forth from the trees, from the ground, from bushes and baskets and pots. Their cheerful hues bid us to come along, breathe deeply and realize our own place among the living. They have endured long journeys through the hard earth. Roots reaching down farther still while the stem reaches ever upward in search of the sun, just as we look to both establish ourselves and build richer, fuller lives.

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash
Observing celebrations of Christ’s rebirth and watching children gather treats left by bunnies, human markers that we, like all nature, are subject to seasons of growth and change.
The return of Spring promises renewal. I’ve always been grateful that she comes to us early in the year, when we are still full of optimism for what our days may hold, what Spring may bring. From a winter of reflection and rest, we advance expectantly towards germination and blooms. The energy of the season revitalizes not just flora, but our very selves, body and soul! Can you hear on the wind, the goldfinch singing her song, never out of tune and always in time? A new song for a new day. And what will this day hold? What will you put your energies toward? What shall you build, grow, prosper in this glorious season of sprouting?