March 26, 2025

Five for Friday 109

Happy Friday friends!

I’m circling a deadline today, and endlessly distracted by the sunlight (finally!) streaming in through the windows. It feels like greeting an old friend. All the more reason to wrap up work and do a proper welcome!

This weekends links are particularly odd:

This piece in The New Yorker on the disappearing Louisiana coastline.

I’m shocked and disturbed by this “Fertility Doctor’s Secret”. What a nightmare for those families!

This unbelievable tale of an art thief, coupled with The Guardian‘s piece on shipping priceless works of art. I know nothing about the art world, but pieces like these spark the imagination, no?

I feel personally attacked. I’ll decide after I’ve read this over the weekend whether I agree with her premise on “bookishness”.

Does the future include meat-free gelatin? Maybe. I’m endlessly fascinated by what technology enables the food industry to create.

Have a wonderful (sunny) weekend!

Currently Reading: The Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson